Stop Running in Circles, Start Scaling: Fractional Operations Support for Busy Entrepreneurs


Tired of being stuck in the weeds?

Running a business shouldn’t feel like a constant battle. As an ambitious entrepreneur, you have the vision to take things to the next level, but the daily grind of managing teams, projects, and strategies keeps you from focusing on what truly matters – growing your business and making an impact.

I help overwhelmed, high-growth entrepreneurs break the 6-figure barrier and scale their businesses strategically, without sacrificing their well-being.

Is this holding you back?

Feeling like you're wearing too many hats:

You’re juggling every aspect of the business, leaving no time for strategic thinking or scaling effectively.

Lack of clear direction:

You have the vision, but translating it into actionable steps and managing execution feels overwhelming.

Struggling with inefficient systems:

Manual processes slow you down and create bottlenecks, hindering your ability to delegate and grow.

Overwhelmed and Burnt-out:

The constant hustle is taking a toll on your well-being, making it difficult to sustain your drive and creativity.

Stagnant or declining revenue:

You’re putting in the effort, but your growth seems to have plateaued or even declined.

I help visionary entrepreneurs break through the 6-figure barrier and achieve strategic growth without sacrificing their well-being.

My mission

Image how it would feel if you could..

Reclaim your time and energy:

By taking over the burden of daily operations and implementing efficient systems, I free you to focus on your core zone of genius – growing your business and making a lasting impact.

Develop High Impact Strategies:

We’ll work together to translate your vision into a clear roadmap for success. This includes identifying high-impact growth strategies and establishing measurable KPIs to track progress.

Lead a high-performing team:

I’ll become your right-hand partner, hiring and overseeing team management, and project execution, and ensuring everyone is aligned with the business vision.

Streamline operations and optimize workflows:

Manual processes and inefficient systems create bottlenecks and hinder scalability. I’ll help you automate tasks, establish clear procedures, and free up valuable resources for further growth.


If you are ready to take the next step in building your business – you are in the right place.


The online Business management process is simple

Book a free call

On this free, 30-minute call, we’ll identify your greatest business pain points and figure out how to get you back to operating in your genius zone.

Trust The Process

I’ll step in as your high-level business manager to problem solve and make sure every day-to-day operation runs smooth so you don’t have to.

Reclaim your freedom

Your business grows when you’re able to focus on what you’re best at. Enjoy peace of mind when you know someone else has it all covered.

It is time to stop making excuses and start making moves


Taking the Weight Off Your Shoulders

Operations Management

Think of me as an extension of your leadership team. I’ll handle the day-to-day operations, allowing you to focus on strategic initiatives.

Growth Strategy Development & Implementation

We’ll collaborate to craft a personalized roadmap for scaling your business. This involves identifying high-value opportunities, creating a clear action plan, and overseeing its execution.

Team Hiring & Management

I’ll guide your team toward peak performance, ensuring everyone is aligned with your vision and equipped to excel in their roles.


Project Management & Execution

Oversee project lifecycles, remove roadblocks, and ensure timely completion. No more missed deadlines or projects falling through the cracks.


Launch Strategy & Execution

Planning, executing, and optimizing product launches for maximum impact becomes my specialty. You’ll have a watertight launch strategy in place to achieve explosive growth

Client Management

Handle client relationships, ensuring clear communication and exceeding expectations. You can focus on building strategic partnerships and fostering long-term client success.


KPI Tracking & Analysis

Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to track progress, measure success, and identify areas for further optimization. Data-driven decision-making becomes a cornerstone of your business.


Tech Stack Implementation

Help select, implement, and integrate the right business tools to streamline operations, improve communication, and automate tasks. This can include CRMs, PM tools, communication platforms, LMS, marketing automation, funnels, and everything in between.


Systems & Process Development

Design and implement efficient systems, document processes that streamline your operations and free up valuable resources. You’ll have a foundation for long-term scalability and a business that can thrive even beyond your direct involvement.





See What Our Clients Have to Say

Sujee has been a real asset to our agency. She is organized, responsive with a quick turnaround time, and a pleasure to work with. She’s been a very valuable addition to our team.


Speaker | Author | Founder - Marketing Agency

“Sujeetha consistently impresses me with her ability to connect the dots. She just doesn’t work on the tasks; she takes the initiative to understand their broader impact on our overall goals. This ensures our efforts are aligned and contribute directly to achieving the bigger picture. Her proactive learning is another strength. She quickly grasps new technologies and seamlessly integrates them into the workflow, consistently meeting deadlines. This dedication and adaptability make her a valuable asset to any team”


Podcaster | Speaker | Employee Benefits Advisor

“Sujeetha was my OBM for almost 2 years. She is very thorough, thoughtful, and forward-thinking. Her level of expertise was invaluable to my business. I appreciate all of the help she provided in helping me grow my business. I recommend her to any business owner looking for someone to help them grow their business”.


VA Agency Owner


Ready to break free from your business chaos and have a business that: 



A business that runs like a well-oiled machine:

 You’ll have the peace of mind knowing your day-to-day operations are handled effectively, freeing you to focus on high-level strategic thinking and scaling your business to new heights.

A clear path to achieving your goals:

With a roadmap in place, efficient systems supporting your team, and measurable progress tracked through KPIs, you’ll have unwavering clarity on the actions needed to achieve your vision.

More time and energy for what truly matters:

Finally, you’ll have the time and mental space to focus on your core strengths, delegate effectively, and achieve the work-life balance you deserve.


Schedule the free discovery call now!